Read What Our Clients Are Saying


Current Client

I have been working with Zack for about 4 months now and have seen an incredible change in myself - a huge reduction in stress and anxiety, more energy, and significantly more day to day happiness and desire to go after and achieve my goals. The method we have been using has been the only thing that has succeeded in shifting my mental state in this way - despite having tried several therapies before. I really believe that I've found an answer here to what I was looking for previously. Thanks so much Zack!


Current Client

I am a long time participant in counseling, I have even tried EMDR in the past…but this approach has been life changing for me. Granted you get back what you put in, as with really any type. BUT Zack and team are really great and knowledgeable. I wish I found this sooner.


Current Client

Zack is a kind, attuned, empathic therapist. I've been working with him using Ideal Parent Figure protocol for a few years now, and it has changed my life for the better, more so than any other modality/system I've used. Zack has a very unique skillset, due to his IPF training, attachment theory expertise, and meditation background. Highly recommend.


Current Client

Dr. Zach Bein has exceptional knowledge in the field of attachment theory. He combines his knowledge of attachment theory with mindfulness through the 3 pillars model. This work is very aligned with other heavyweights in the field of childhood development such as Dr. Gabor Mate and Dr. Stephen Porges' polyvagal theory. Zach's deep understanding that mind and body are connected are pivotal in helping heal old wounding. If you're looking for someone who can help make sense of your anxiety, of how your mind works, or why you hold onto certain beliefs, I can't recommend a better practitioner of attachment restoration.


Previous Client

I've been working with Dr. Zach and his Adult Attachment Program for the past 9 months and my attachment insecurity, sense of self, and overall mental health has been transformed! When I came into the program I had daily attachment anxiety and most of my energy was being used just to keep my anxieties at bay. And without a strong sense of self, I was also struggling to find a sense of meaningful direction in life - to know who I am and what I want. Although I'm not done with the work yet, I can typically calm attachment anxieties or disrupting states of mind quickly. And my sense of self has developed significantly to the point where I have a strong direction in life and I'm excited about the training I'm doing now to help others. I highly recommend Ideal Parent Figures coaching, Dr. Zach, and the Adult Attachment Program!#


Previous Client

For decades I have struggled with what I've called "wounded conditioning" around relationship. Even after years of therapy and spiritual practices I couldn't get past my struggles with feeling safe and comfortable in connection. I would sometimes fall into painful despair. Then while on a retreat at IMS a Dharma teacher gave an explanation of Attachment Theory and a description of a new healing modality. It glowed brightly, and I moved from the darkness towards this light. Eventually the journey led to The Adult Attachment Program. The healing has been profound, and I have the deepest gratitude for what is being provided here. The guided IPF visualizations have allowed for a primordial intelligence to operate through the mind's eye and address the "wounded conditioning" at the level the wounds were created. We can leave new loving imprints on our Psyche and work with a sort of neuroplasticity to heal. There is growing insight into areas that were once only dark and confusing. I am so grateful for finding my way to the Adult Attachment Program. I used to think that perhaps I was truly "broken" but It's not true. I'm now connecting with others in the ways I have always longed for.


Current Client

I have been working with Josh at The Adult Attachment Program using the IPF Protocol for 10 months. I was able to identify and make incredible progress in my attachment issues and have seen nothing short of profound results. I cannot recommend IPF via The Adult Attachment Program enough. Josh is an excellent coach who seems to effortlessly guide our sessions. I end every one of them with new insight and lasting positive impression. My life is immeasurably more positive and my gratitude is boundless.


Current Client

Excellent therapy. Zack has a deep understanding of attachment dynamics and has applied his method to stimulate profound experiences of healing in me. I find him genuine, warm and empathic. Reply2

A Truly Comprehensive, Integrated Understanding of Attachment Theory and 3 Pillars Therapy

Within this training site of The Adult Attachment Program, one can go several routes. There are basic self-paced online courses to gain a foundational understanding of Adult Attachment Theory and its many manifestations. You can choose to either take the final exam or not. Those that wish to take the final exam and score 85% or higher will have the opportunity to rise to level II, where we examine the Three Pillar approach to repairing attachment disturbances in adults. After that, the focus becomes one-on-one and you will do the Three Pillar method with one of our clinicians.

  • Step 1: Sign up and create a membership for free

  • Step 2: Register for Level I, and Build A Foundation in Attachment Theory

  • Step 3: Register for Level II, where you will learn the Three Pillars and Ideal Parent Figure (IPF) method and begin to use it with clients/patients

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